Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jehovah's Witness Glossary

Apostate - The most evil word in the Jehovah's Witness lexicon. Worse than Satan, worse than demons. Say the word, and watch real TERROR well up in the eyes of a Jehovah's Witness.
Demons - Real SCARY beings. They just can't wait to "get in" to your body and mess you up. A group of bad, bad, spirit entities which somehow love to inhabit used clothing, furniture, lawn chairs, and mostly, apostates, to name a few. They are frequently seen lurking around garage sales, and antique shops.
Jehovah - Scares Jehovah's Witnesses more than apostates, demons, and Satan put together. Scares Jehovah's Witnesses more than any Circuit Overseer ever could, for that matter, or even your typical Elder. Current residence is in, or near the Pleiades Star System. Will strike you dead if you don't attend meetings or go in field service.
Holy Spirit - Some sort of a "force", or something. It acts, but we don't know how it acts, when it acts, and what it acts upon. But it "acts", I guess. This force is supposed to act on God's earthly organization, but we have seen no proof of this.
Internet - Hiding out place for demons and apostates.
The Truth - a series of perpetually changing understanding of prophecy, doctrines, rules and regulations.
New Light is said to get "brighter as that Day approaches". Obviously, then, that "Day" is a long ways off. According to the current "light" as now understood, we may well see another ice age or two before the "truth" really becomes known.

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